The more RPF consolidates as a one-man show around the person of General Kagame the more “the Rwandan conflict” revolves around power and the current “non-compliant” politicians are (slowly but surely) being frustrated into revealing who they truly are.

The masks keep coming off on his opposition abroad, laying bare the ethnic biases, the segregating and isolationist theories of its so-called democratic agenda.

Kagame’s cult of personality will continue even after he is gone,  by the looks of it, it will probably be even more virulent when he is no longer around, and it will continue to torment and intimidate its opponents.

Rwanda deserves better.

Our isolated diaspora has lost a lot of ground and fallen far behind in the game of political scheming and maneuvering.

If it overcame its bitterness and engaged Kigali on issues of common interests,  like for example ending the plague of exile that has befallen our country, the opposition in exile would make up for a lot of lost time because according to my information and as far as l can see, the pursuit of lost power and/or coveted power from the comfort of our homes in the west or wherever we have settled post 94 is quite a lost cause.

There are people coveting that same power in Kigali, people who know things that most of us are not even aware of, powerful people who have the means to get to it and who eventually will.

Perhaps the most political among us could strive to find out who those people are and — if they are so keen on being part of Rwanda’s next government arena–reach out to them instead of continuing to engage in unfortunate adventures that come at a great cost in terms of reputation and future political credibility.

Noble Marara