Kagame’s Dictatorship : a book by Rene C.Mugenzi
This long awaited book by Rene C. Mugenzi shades the light on one of Africa’s most ruthless dictatorships.
It outlines the methods used by the ” global elite’s favourite strong man”‘s methods of repression , the ruses he uses to bully the international community . Mr Mugenzi has been a diligent student of Paul Kagame’s dictatorship ; this book is an important summary of the Kagame phenomenon .
We highly recommend it to all.
The book will be available on THURSDAY 30 MAY 2019
Book your copies here : publications@rwandansrights.org
Inyenyeri News Group
https://inyenyerinews.info/amakuru-2/kagames-dictatorship-a-book-by-rene-c-mugenzi/https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMG-20190405-WA0004.jpg?fit=960%2C540&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMG-20190405-WA0004.jpg?resize=140%2C140&ssl=1LATEST NEWSThis long awaited book by Rene C. Mugenzi shades the light on one of Africa's most ruthless dictatorships. It outlines the methods used by the ' global elite's favourite strong man''s methods of repression , the ruses he uses to bully the international...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS
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