Kagame and his spin doctors have falsified and manipulated ” development” data so much that they cannot risk the embarrassment that they will face when the Heads of Government attending the highly anticipated Commonwealth Meeting in Kigali notice the abject poverty that donors money is supposed to have helped eradicate at a rate of roughly 7% every year for the past decade!

As if to underline the absurdity of the vainglorious vision 2020 “bling-bling” that Mr. Kagame promoted to the world, he is now forced to demolish the houses of his already very poor ordinary citizen to hide them from the CHOGM delegates who might take to visiting Kigali outside of the carefully drawn blueprint of breathtaking views and impressive infrastructure projects!

It is scandalous to see the Western Democratic Block continue to support this FRAUDSTER’s tyranny of a perpetually traumatized people; deprived of freedom of speech, denied freedom of movement to sister countries , and now evicted of their homes!

These poorly planned demolitions ( -that journalists are now referring to as an issue at own risk as many were warned not to document or take photos of the same for fear of dire consequences ) are leaving children and women sleeping in the cold, exposed to malaria and other health hazards that the West will no doubt be paying for in the form of aid soon!

Will the CHOGM delegates bear in mind how difficult it is for the Rwandan teacher who earns roughly 54 Pound Sterlings ( or $ 70) to feed his/her family as they feast at Mr. Kagame’s table?

One cannot help wonder if the CHOGM delegates will notice the wide cracks in the Rwandan miracle narrative particularly considering the embarrassment of the border closure between Rwanda and her neighbors ( Uganda and Burundi) standing in the way of the regional integration the East African Community had set out to implement in the interest of everyone involved ( regionally and globally)!

Will presidents Museveni and Nkurunziza accept Mr. Kagame’s invitation to what many in East Africa gobsmackingly see as his neo-colonial coronation or will they shun this unique gathering of elites in a bid to embarrass and expose him to his powerful benefactors?

Certainly, “CHOGM -Kigali 2020” will reorient the EAC region; it may even be the first step to more meaningful changes …

Let us hope that common sense will prevail.

Noble Marara

*Photo source Chronicles.com

https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/IMG-20191223-WA0000.jpg?fit=960%2C520&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/IMG-20191223-WA0000.jpg?resize=140%2C140&ssl=1Placide KayitareLATEST NEWSOPINIONKagame and his spin doctors have falsified and manipulated ' development' data so much that they cannot risk the embarrassment that they will face when the Heads of Government attending the highly anticipated Commonwealth Meeting in Kigali notice the abject poverty that donors money is supposed to have helped...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE