After Six years when the French Language is abolished in Rwandan schools because Kagame was not happy with the Indictments the former French terrorism judge jean Louis Bruguire had issued against him for the shooting of his predecessors Juvenal Habyarimana.

It’s incomprehensible that the Ministry of Education and its Directorate of Education (REB) today the announced that French is coming back as a major subject that will be examined on the national level. The challenges facing education in Rwanda, their underlying links with politics and possible ways to address them have been discussed by many academics but ignored mainly due to political reasons which are in the interests of one man Kagame.

Experts who have been ignored highlighted how politics and education policy influence each other through a continuous process which has failed the education sector, since RPF took power Two decades ago. Kagame’s political instability has led to inconsistent policies due to a rapid turnover of education ministers with different interests , indeed some have been incompetent or indifferent, for example the President has been waking up with bad omens or with a hangover and abolishes French without considering the impact of Teachers, students, parents, and the social benefit of learning different languages

The recent Introduction of one University in Rwanda will eventually prove that the decision was wrong. The one University is a disaster and taking back Rwanda to the dark ages, but because it was a dream of the President all the so called Rwanda professors have been dwarfed by the President’s harassment and intimidation. Apparently the Rwandan public has grown distrustful and alienated from the bad policies which are not only inconsistent but very detrimental both economically and socially.

The late US general Norman Schwarzkopf made a vivid distinction between those who are involved and those who are committed. In a ham and egg breakfast, Stormin’ Norman said, the hen is involved but the pig is committed. The truth is that we are all committed in the year ahead. In Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughterhouse-Five, the conscript hero Billy Pilgrim has a prayer on the wall of his office: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Among the things the crazed Billy Pilgrim could not change, Vonnegut insisted, were the past, the present and the future. The rest of us have more leeway over everything except the past. And the future starts today. Kagame should leave the work of technocrats to decide on the technical level and his advisors should help him control his tempers after all nobody wants it.


Placide KayitareAFRICALATEST NEWSWORLDAfter Six years when the French Language is abolished in Rwandan schools because Kagame was not happy with the Indictments the former French terrorism judge jean Louis Bruguire had issued against him for the shooting of his predecessors Juvenal Habyarimana. It’s incomprehensible that the Ministry of Education and its Directorate...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE