After years of preparation and frustrations over the meeting being reported, after the concerns over it’s possible cancellation, Rwanda has hosted CHOGM without embarassing incidents. The world came to Rwanda and saw its rebirth with it’s own eyes. Our shortcomings as well as our strengths were in plain sight.

Rwanda did its best, particularly with regards to promoting its young talents. Everyone took on it upon ourselves to be ambassadors of our country and culture. Rwanda was praised for what was done right, criticized over its unfortunate shortcomings but overall we proved to the world and especially to ourselves that with will , resolve and hard work, we can do and be better.

Let us put in the same hard work in helping Rwanda towards maturing its political space and freedom of expression. And above all, in the spirit of diversity of the Commonwealth, let us remember to respect and celebrate each other’s differences.

It can be done. It is achievable.

🇷🇼Congratulations Rwanda. 🇷🇼 EditorAFRICALATEST NEWSPOLITICSRWANDAWORLDAfter years of preparation and frustrations over the meeting being reported, after the concerns over it's possible cancellation, Rwanda has hosted CHOGM without embarassing incidents. The world came to Rwanda and saw its rebirth with it's own eyes. Our shortcomings as well as our strengths were in...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE