On 8th May 2012; a young orphan known as Sadiki Mutabazi doused and set self ablaze in Rubavu district (Gisenyi) where he was a mobile vendor for a living. He is originally from Gakeri village in
Rutsiro District (Ruhango sector, Kavumu cell). This happened after members of local defense force(LDF) and RDF reserve force harassed and tortured him succeeding the arbitrary confiscation of his
goods and cash money worth Frs 300,000.

He was rushed to the emergency unit of a local hospital but later transferred to Kigali University hospital (CHUK) in a critical condition.Like many other young orphans from vulnerable families, the victim was surviving on very low incomes from street sales in order to feed his family. The inhumane acts carried on by crappy
security personnel in Rwanda are on the rise in the whole country. Acts of intimidation such as man hunt, confiscation of private items, public beating, torture or arbitrary imprisonment are common
for lower class citizens.

FDU-Inkingi is denouncing this unrelenting barbaric conduct of members of security apparatus and urges the government of Rwanda to make sure that the life of this burnt young boy is not in danger,
to bring to book those involved in this incident and to refund the stolen property.There is no hope if no justice is done.

Boniface Twagirimana
Interim Vice President


Yimennyeho lisansi aritwika

Mu ivuriro rikuru rya Kigali, CHK, haravurirwa Mutabazi Sadiki,  ufite imyaka 18, wo mu mujyi wa Gisenyi mu karere ka Rubavu, wimennyeho lisansi maze aritwika.

Ababonye uko byagenze bavuze ko Mutabazi yafashwe n’interagutabara acururiza mu muhanda.

Ubundi ngo yacuruzaga uduconsho turimo ubunyobwa, ibisuguti na bombo.

Bavuze ko izo nteragutabara zamwambuye amafaranga n’ibicuruzwa yari afite.

Bavuze ko uwo musore arwajwe na nyina muri CHK


Edited By Francis Rwema


https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/fxdu.jpg?fit=259%2C194&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/fxdu.jpg?resize=110%2C110&ssl=1Placide KayitareWORLDOn 8th May 2012; a young orphan known as Sadiki Mutabazi doused and set self ablaze in Rubavu district (Gisenyi) where he was a mobile vendor for a living. He is originally from Gakeri village in Rutsiro District (Ruhango sector, Kavumu cell). This happened after members of local defense force(LDF)...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE