Prince Saul Livingstone Mpuuga, the elder brother of King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, has called for reconciliation between his sister Princess Ruth Komuntale and her estranged husband Christopher Thomas.

Komuntale and Thomas

Komuntale and Thomas

Prince Mpuuga (33) said he hopes the couple can reconcile. He believes this is possible if both families are involved in talks to bring together the former couple.

Mpuuga said that it is unfortunate that the Komuntale-Thomas match did not last more than 10 months yet it had been an occasion of celebration for thousands of people when they got married.

Last month, Princess Komuntale announced an end to her marriage with Thomas. She accused Thomas of infidelity and physically abusing her.

Prince Saul Mpuuga

Prince Saul Mpuuga KayitareWORLDPrince Saul Livingstone Mpuuga, the elder brother of King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, has called for reconciliation between his sister Princess Ruth Komuntale and her estranged husband Christopher Thomas. Komuntale and Thomas Prince Mpuuga (33) said he hopes the couple can reconcile. He believes this is possible if both families are involved in talks to...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE