A Special Message for Rwandans from His Majesty King Kigeri V Ndahindurwa
Dear Rwandans,
My warmest greetings to you, all Rwandans, wherever you are. I ask God to keep you in peace and to help you love one another.
During these difficult times there are some issues facing us that could hinder our progress and create more difficulties for all of us. We must do all we can to work together as brothers and sisters, and to denounce publicly all that will cause racial division, regional divisions and other factions that seek their own personal gains at the expenses of others.
We, as a nation, have suffered so much for so long. There is not one single Munyarwanda who has not lost a loved one, a friend, a neighbor or a family member. Our land has gone through so much which helps us all to understand that it is time for us work together to repair the damages that were done to it. We must understand clearly that we are all Rwandans and that we all must live together as Rwandans without excluding anyone. We must stand together to reject any ideas or any ideology that divides our people.
There is not one single Munyarwanda who has more rights than anybody else. We are all Rwandans and we are all equal. As we all know, we are “Imbaga y’Inyabutatu” the unbreakable bond that has always held our nation together. We must, therefore, avoid at all cost anything that creates factions and divisions among us, and continue to work together to find ways to live together in lasting peace.
We must think about our children, the future generations and how we can make Rwanda a better place for them. That is our responsibility as good parents and responsible citizens.
I implore you to stand up and work together to help your neighbors who have been victimized by all these calamities inside or outside Rwanda. We must help those who are in need of help, to reassure them and to make them understand that if we all stand together we will rebuild our country.
As you’re your King and your Elder, I beg of you to love one another, forgive those who have done you wrong and let us concentrate our energies and our resources in repairing the damages that were done to our country.
In conclusion, I remind you and reassure you again, that if we walk hand in hand, we will accomplish so much.
May God keep you in peace,
Washigton , DC
Taliki 04 UKUBOZA 2013
Kigeli V Ndahindurwa
King of Rwanda
https://inyenyerinews.info/amahanga-2/a-special-message-for-rwandans-from-his-majesty-king-kigeri-v-ndahindurwa/https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/arton9659-32ff4.jpg?fit=600%2C325&ssl=1https://i0.wp.com/inyenyerinews.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/arton9659-32ff4.jpg?resize=110%2C110&ssl=1WORLD Dear Rwandans, My warmest greetings to you, all Rwandans, wherever you are. I ask God to keep you in peace and to help you love one another. During these difficult times there are some issues facing us that could hinder our progress and create more difficulties for all of us. We...Placide KayitareNoble Mararakayitare@gmail.comAdministratorINYENYERI NEWS