In unprecedented announcement the government of Rwanda has admitted that the Rwandan Franc is losing stability and is stumbling against the Dollar. The Rwandan Franc is depreciating almost every day not only against the dollar but also other international currencies. The government has disputed her bad policies and of course the withdraw of the donor hard currency as the fundamental cause of the Rwandan Franc’s depreciation and as usual the Governor of Rwanda National Bank has been instructed to tell the Rwandans and the world that the cause of the instability of the Rwandan currency is the increase of the demand of the hard currency by the traders to finance the country’s imports.
Indeed, the government has argued that Rwanda’s foreign exchange reserves also slid to four months of imports from six months in June, this year, affecting the franc as it fell against the dollar. While the ordinary Rwandan and government employees have been instructed to contribute in all the RPF direct and indirect sectors, the few individuals, Ministers and their Pharaoh have continued to enjoy trips abroad in the name of organizing the Agaciro creature.
This morning on Voice of America (Kinyarwanda/Kirundi programme) the Kagame Intore Ivete Nyombayire who lives in New York and one of the organizers of this called Rwandan Day that was held in Boston Massachusetts in USA shamelessly or indifferently defended her pay master’s murderous regime by saying that Rwanda is the most peaceful country in the region. What a wrong yardstick or comparison!
Yvette is very insensitive on Rwandan issues or she is deliberately blind folding her eyes in disregard of the many Rwandans who have lost their relatives in the hands of Kagame regime. Has Yvette asked Grace Ruzindanda who lost her father Maj. Alex Ruzindana how she feels? Her father had even retired from the active military services, never the less the Kagame regime murdered him in the cold blood and up to the present day his body has never been found.
What about the children of the former Kagame comrades who were stripped off Rwandan Citizenship by canceling their passports just because they happen to be children of what Kagame perceives to be political opponents. Has she forgotten that Rugugiro Ayabatwa was very instrumental in funding RPF during the struggle and now is hunted like any prey for a hungry meat eater? Interestingly she was debating Rwandan security with the former Minister of security Theobald Rwaka who was framed by Kagame and his former Cyangungu Prefect Munyakabera that he presided over illegal meetings in caves in his home village Bukunzi.
Has Yvette asked the families of former Army Chief of Staff Kayumba Nyawmwasa the situation in which they are now in, in a country their son and relatives fought for? Is she aware of Kayumba Nyamwasa’s brother LT COL. Rugigana Ngabo who is incarcerated in 1930 simply because he happens to be a brother of Kayumba?

It is unfortunate that, Yvette is serving a person that she does not know; President Kagame is a cunning man that can burn your house and immediately calls the fire brigade. Furthermore, the money that was used to fund all the Kagame delegation and all the People from North America and Europe would have been used to fund the many projects that have been put on hold because the donors have suspended or withdrawn their Aid.
It is also tragic that many business people who did not want to go to Boston were forced to foot their own bills, and the business spy masters would do everything possible to undermine any business person who will not heed to this pressure. It is in this context that many business people had to go seek loans in banks irrespective of the existing loans they had in banks.
Is Yvete suggesting that Agaciro and reconciliation means picking Christopher Bazivamo and Rwarakabije and give them posts which they cannot even control and call it reconciliation. Is Yvvete aware that Rwarakabije has never attended any conference outside Rwanda? For her information if there is a conference outside Rwanda, Mary Gahonzire who is the deputy of Rwarakabije will attend.
Yvette and other people who are sucking the Rwandan blood should not be preaching peace and reconciliation to the real people who know RPF from the infancy to the present day. Those sucking the Rwandan blood should also know that they have been responsible for the stumbling Rwandan franc because the more they drain the more the financial stress on the Rwandan currency. If my sister Yvette doesn’t know president Kagame, she should read RPF history and ask herself simple question, how many RPF historicals are still active in the party? Every person in RPF has his/her own day, the day for any person like my sister Yvette is not far.

Jacqueline Umurungi
Brussels. KayitareAFRICAIn unprecedented announcement the government of Rwanda has admitted that the Rwandan Franc is losing stability and is stumbling against the Dollar. The Rwandan Franc is depreciating almost every day not only against the dollar but also other international currencies. The government has disputed her bad policies...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE