Rwanda must confront the reality of its  nonexistent justice system. Paul Kagame ‘s dictatorship ,in its  determination to continue the indecent tradition of holding political prisoners, must be brought to book.
Every minute that our compatriots are in jail and not at home with their families and friends because they exercised their  rights as citizens  ,  is a grave violation  that RPF should be  ashamed of . ” Shame on you RPF”.
Enough is enough! I and Hundreds of opposition activists, leaders and protesters  stand united in demanding the release of political prisoners, we need the immediate liberation of  D. Rwigara, D. Mushayidi, T. Niyitegeka and FDU .
I wholeheartedly  feel the need to address this message to FPR: We have waited for their release for too long , it is time  for change! it is time for  openness of  political space.
Today, Rwanda needs a new generation of leaders , Rwanda needs truth, Rwanda needs to put to rest the culture of lying  and fabrication  that has fraudulently  been rewriting our history on outrageous falsehoods that portray FPR , its chairman Paul Kagame and its actual leaders as saviors when we know  what criminals they are .
I want to tell you that there are people  who never sleep and who will not give up fighting  until they see the change  we need . We need  a new wave of  honorable individuals  to guide  our country and implement a culture of  respect  for human life.
We demand justice for the forgotten victims , for the victims of genocide , for the victims of the plane  crash  that triggered so much blood  shed.
How long will we stand aside and  as  silent witnesses to the murder of our  brothers and sisters ? We are aware of  the on going crimes  and we are ready to  continue  our fight in the name of justice and democracy no matter the cost .
 Julien KANOBAYITA. KayitareAFRICARwanda must confront the reality of its  nonexistent justice system. Paul Kagame 's dictatorship ,in its  determination to continue the indecent tradition of holding political prisoners, must be brought to book. Every minute that our compatriots are in jail and not at home with their families and friends because they...PUBLISHING YOUR NEWS WITH CUTTING EDGE STYLE