A Rwanda under the rule of law is possible.
A Rwanda under the rule of law is not only possible, it is also the only Rwanda that can accommodate us all in our now extensive diversity. It is our only option for lasting peace.
I want to believe that the best days of our republic are yet to come if we are ready to make the necessary efforts towards its realization.
Our engagement in the fight for democracy in Rwanda can only be driven by our duty to the next generations . Many of us have resigned ourselves to the mediocrity of dictatorship but agree that our children and their children deserve better.
For the sake of the next generations it is possible to overlook our grudges and desires for revenge .
Our offspring will inherit our hard work for lasting peace or they will be condemned to carrying the poison of a never ending thirst for revenge and war into the future .
We as Rwandans can and must rise above our disagreements, we must merge our paths to give the future the Rwanda it deserves.
We have a duty to pass on hope and not despair , peace and not war , justice and forgiveness.
This Rwanda that we must pass on has yet to materialize , but it is a reality to some of us already. This Rwanda is a discerning combination of our past and our present .
We have to allow ourselves to be optimistic because optimism is what will cure us of the fear that builds distrust and resentment among our communities and culminates into tragic, unnecessary and easily avoidable future conflicts.
Noble Marara